Conference archive

DevOps West 2016 - Test Automation

Thursday, June 9

Original Software

What Everyone on the Team Needs to Know about Test Automation

Thursday, June 9, 2016 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Test automation should be an activity that involves the entire project team—not just the testing group. Test automation is a technical testing task, and the test team benefits from the assistance of others in the organization. Jim Trentadue outlines the various testing activities with the corresponding contributions and benefits of each team member. Project managers can coordinate the effort and schedule. Business analysts can manage technical test requirements. User acceptance testers can provide proper steps and screenshots for IT personnel. Developers can write code with testability in...

Anshul Sharma
Emmi Solutions

Move Your Selenium Testing to the Cloud

Thursday, June 9, 2016 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

What is the most challenging aspect of running automation tests? Anshul Sharma believes it is covering multiple browsers and cross-device testing combined with faster execution of tests. One way to do this is parallel execution of tests concurrently over a Selenium Grid, but that comes with a substantial burden of managing and maintaining the platforms and browsers. Now that cloud-computing resources are available and affordable, an alternative is leveraging the cloud. Moving to the cloud makes tests easier and faster to run for several reasons. First, no installing/upgrading the browser...