Conference archive

Better Software East 2016 - DevOps

Wednesday, November 16

Adam Serediuk
xMatters, Inc.

From Ops to DevOps—and Beyond

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Wednesday, November 16, 2016 - 11:30am

Join Adam Serediuk on his journey leading change during the transition from IT Ops to DevOps and the driving forces behind making this change. In this non-tool talk, Adam describes the cultural and organizational approaches, challenges, and techniques his company used in establishing successful DevOps teams and their continuing journey toward NoOps. Adam outlines the steps his organization took to reshape its operations and development teams along with the reasons and the opportunities for making those changes—with tradeoffs and benefits. Any IT Ops team trying to...

Lee Eason

DevOps Is More than Dev and Ops: It’s about Tearing Down Walls

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Wednesday, November 16, 2016 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

The word DevOps is quickly becoming the new Agile—an overused word that has lost its meaning. Cutting through the jargon, Lee Eason gets to the heart of what DevOps means, where it came from, and why it is crucial for your company to embrace it. If you want to deliver on the promise of agile—to improve quality and reduce time to market—you must understand and implement DevOps. Lee shares three mechanisms of change—enablement, mentoring, and coaching—you can use to drive the transformation, as well as key performance indicators to measure your progress along the...

Ken Mugrage

DevOps and Continuous Delivery: What’s It All About?

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Wednesday, November 16, 2016 - 2:45pm to 3:45pm

It seems like everywhere you look someone is telling you to implement continuous delivery (CD) within a DevOps framework. Although there is a lot of talk about what you should do, there’s precious little about why or how. Ken Mugrage starts with the business issues that resulted in CD being formalized and how these issues can be made better with CD practices. He moves on to discuss the DevOps culture movement and clarifies the differences between CD and DevOps. Ken shares some useful ways you can start applying these concepts and practices. Throughout the...


Testing and Measurement in DevOps: Find Solutions—Not More Problems

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Wednesday, November 16, 2016 - 4:15pm to 5:15pm

The promise of DevOps is to deliver new features faster following today’s best practices. However, blindly automating the delivery pipeline by installing Jenkins, Chef, and Docker without adapting test approaches will cause a great number of deployments to fail. While the tester’s role and testing are critical for the success of DevOps, the tester’s objective changes—from finding more defects to understanding the patterns that make deployments fail. Then, the job is to automate the detection of these patterns through quality gates into the pipeline. Using examples...

Thursday, November 17

Adam Auerbach
Capital One

Demystifying DevOps: Capital One’s Journey toward Continuous Delivery

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Thursday, November 17, 2016 - 10:00am to 11:00pm

Many companies are either talking about DevOps or already working toward adoption. Books and conferences around DevOps abound, and it seems that everyone is hiring DevOps engineers. What impact does adopting DevOps have on a company and its people? What does DevOps look like from the inside out? What does it mean to be a DevOps engineer? What do you need to do and learn to make sure you’re not left behind? Adam Auerbach answers these questions, explains the overall DevOps movement, and discusses how DevOps is driving changes to our organizational culture and...