Agile Dev East 2017 - DevOps Measurement | TechWell

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Agile Dev East 2017 - DevOps Measurement

Thursday, November 9

Logan Daigle

Measure DevOps for Objective Continuous Improvement Practices

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Thursday, November 9, 2017 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

Logan Daigle says DevOps has brought about unprecedented changes in the way organizations solve problems and break down silos. DevOps is empowering employees to automate expensive processes and leverage the power of cross-functional teams to benefit development and operations culture. DevOps is helping bridge a culture gap and focuses on providing shorter feedback loops with more responsiveness to failure. But are we missing something here? Do we really know how much all of these process and automation improvements cost? Do we really know if we are improving our products, processes...