Agile Dev East 2017 - DevOps Architecture | TechWell

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Agile Dev East 2017 - DevOps Architecture

Thursday, November 9

Korey Earl

Fundamentals of Docker

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Thursday, November 9, 2017 - 10:00am to 11:00am

Docker seems to be taking the IT world by storm. But why all the excitement about yet another virtual machine technology? Because Docker is much more. Korey Earl says that Docker solves many DevOps challenges including process isolation, build once-deploy anywhere, and automated scaling without the resource overhead that comes with virtual machines. Docker can improve resource utilization, infrastructure agility, and the transition from development to operations, allowing IT organizations to support the business rather than holding it back. Join Korey as he reviews the basics of the Docker...

Anders Wallgren
Electric Cloud

Microservices and Docker at Scale: The PB&J of Modern Systems

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Thursday, November 9, 2017 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

After predominantly being used in the build/test stage, Docker has matured and is expanding into production deployment. Similarly, microservices are expanding from greenfield web services to use throughout the enterprise as organizations explore ways to decompose their monolithic systems to support faster release cycles. Anders Wallgren says running microservices-based systems in a containerized environment makes a lot of sense—both for build and test, and from a runtime perspective in production. This makes Docker and microservices natural companions, forming the foundation for modern...