Agile Dev East 2017 - Databases in DevOps | TechWell

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Agile Dev East 2017 - Databases in DevOps

Thursday, November 9

Steve Jones
Redgate Software

Databases in a Continuous Integration/Delivery Process

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Thursday, November 9, 2017 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

DevOps is transforming software development with many organizations adopting lean development practices, implementing continuous integration (CI), and performing regular continuous deployment (CD) to their production environments. However, the database is largely ignored and often seen as a bottleneck in the DevOps process. Steve Jones discusses the challenges of database development and why many developers find the database to be an impediment to the CD process. Steve shares the techniques you can use to fit a database into the DevOps process. Learn how to store database code in a...