Conference archive

Agile Dev East 2016 - Design & Code

Thursday, November 17

Anders Wallgren
Electric Cloud

Continuous Delivery of Microservices: Patterns and Processes

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Thursday, November 17, 2016 - 10:00am to 11:00am

Tight coupling and interdependence between dev teams slows down development, and environment drift causes deployment problems when promoting applications between environments. The introduction of the microservices architecture expands on the role of SOA by allowing for the looser coupling of endpoints and environments, with more predictability, flexibility, and agility. Anders Wallgren says that microservices have gained attention for their ability to facilitate innovation among dev teams. By architecting applications into sets of smaller services that are more...

Micah Breedlove

Them’s the Rules: Using a Rules Engine to Wrangle Complexity

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Thursday, November 17, 2016 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

When dealing with complicated and ever-growing program conditions brought on by new business requirements, it's easy for what was once a small conditional block of code to grow to evaluating hundreds of unique conditions. Unfortunately, much like kudzu, that bad practice begins to creep into other areas of code. Micah Breedlove says that incorporating a rules engine to handle the conditional logic is a great way to reduce the code smells wafting from a multi-hundred line conditional. Converting the conditional into one small block of code which can retrieve and...