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People and Teams


MG Solving Real Problems through Collaborative Innovation Games®
Michael Vizdos, Vizdos Enterprises, LLC
Mon, 06/02/2014 - 8:30am

Are you having trouble getting people in your organization to agree on a path forward? Is collaboration sometimes more like a contest to see who can yell the loudest? Is it difficult to get customers to give you the information you need to create a product charter or unambiguous requirements? Achieving meaningful collaboration with a diverse group of people can be very difficult. Michael Vizdos shares his experiences with Innovation Games®, collaboration exercises that dramatically improve the way people work together.

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MM An Introduction to SAFe: The Scaled Agile Framework NEW
Al Shalloway, Net Objectives
Mon, 06/02/2014 - 1:00pm

Many organizations have achieved agility at the team level only to be unable to achieve it across teams. The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) provides both a vision and method for how to achieve this. SAFe is the first documented framework that can be used to scale agile throughout an organization. It is a combination of lean, kanban, and Scrum—lean to provide a context for an organization, kanban to manage the flow of projects, and Scrum to provide agile at the team level. Beginning with an introduction to lean and kanban, Al Shalloway explains why they are required for agile at scale.

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TJ Coaching and Leading Agility: Tuning Agile Practices
David Hussman, DevJam
Tue, 06/03/2014 - 8:30am

Are you an agile practitioner who wants to take agility to the next level? Are you looking to gain real value from agile instead of simply more talk? Even though many are using agile methods, not all are seeing big returns from their investment. David Hussman shares his experiences and describes a short assessment that you can use to identify both strengths and weaknesses in your use of agile methods. Creating an assessment helps you look at the processes you are using, examine why you are using them, and determine whether they provide real value.

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K1 Beyond the Web and Apps: The Domestication of Knowledge
James Whittaker, Microsoft
Wed, 06/04/2014 - 8:30am

Since the dawn of computing, we've invented only two ways to get work done―the web or apps. We hunt for information on the web or we gather functionality from the app store. In each case, users must take the initiative to find the information they need. We've become used to this life of hunting and gathering, but its time is ending. A new era of domesticated information and functionality is dawning. In this new world, the web's information comes to users when and where they need it.

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K2 For Maximum Awesome
Joe Justice, Scrum, Inc
Wed, 06/04/2014 - 10:15am

An agile hardware and engineering company of 500 collaborators in twenty countries, Team WIKISPEED uses test-first development practices, is run by Scrum teams, and produces road legal cars, micro-houses, and social-good projects. Joe Justice shares how their 100-MPG road car was created in just three months through object-oriented design, iterative development, and agile project management.

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K3 An Agile Throwdown: Munich Takes on the Columbus Agile Benchmark Study
Michael Mah, QSM Associates, Inc.
Thu, 06/05/2014 - 8:30am

Agile has not only gone mainstream, it’s gone global. Data on agile team performance, time-to-market, and quality have emerged in the past decade. In 2012, a group of Columbus, Ohio, companies—business, IT, and financial services firms—participated in the first ever “Columbus Agile vs. the World” study. They collected velocity, schedule, effort, staffing, and quality data which were compared against QSM’s Software Lifecycle Management (SLIM) database. Analysis revealed delivery was 31 percent faster with 75 percent fewer defects than industry norms. Enter Munich, Germany.

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Concurrent Sessions

BW9 Want Self-Organizing Teams? Just BEGIN Now!
Shawn Button, Leanintuit
Chris Farrell, Rally Software Development
Wed, 06/04/2014 - 3:45pm

Organizations now understand that self-organizing teams perform better. Unfortunately, it’s extremely difficult to find the right balance between control and empowerment that works for your teams in your context. Even after your teams begin to self-organize, you are not finished. You should increase the level of self-organization over time as your teams mature. Shawn Button and Chris Farrell present a concise acronym that can help you empower your teams: BEGIN―Boundaries, Empowerment, Goals, Ingredients, and Nurture.

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