A good objective has five components that effectively communicate a business outcome and why it matters: Activity: What will we be doing? Scope: What are the boundaries of the work we will touch? Beneficiary: Who is the intended recipient of the new work? User Value: Why does this work matter to the new user? Business Value: Why does this work matter to the business? PI Objectives can be daunting but can be made much easier when you add in some key components or a formula: [Activity] + [Scope] so that [Beneficiary] have [User Value] to [Business Value]. In this session, Richelle...
Richelle Bixler
Release Train Engineer
Edward Jones

Richelle Bixler is a seasoned Release Train Engineer (RTE) and Agile Coach, whose dynamic journey began in 2018 with an airplane development program at Boeing. She has worked with engineers, HR professionals, and currently supports finance technology at Edward Jones. She obtained her RTE certification in 2018 after a whirlwind of training happened at her company and has been pushing her teams to be proactive and try new things ever since. An instrumental tool in her career has been a curious, open mind to push the boundaries on a "we've always done it this way" mentality. This drive to explore new possibilities has led her here.