STARWEST 2020 Concurrent Session : Test Your Infrastructure!

Conference archive


Thursday, October 8, 2020 - 3:45pm to 4:45pm

Test Your Infrastructure!

We are testing everything. We are so devoted to test that we even invented "DevTestOps". And then... Yes... What about our Infrastructure as a Code templates? How many times did you run your template again and again, fix issues, run again, fix issues... This is very common, we all have to admit it. Even if we use the CI/CD tools for our infrastructure (how many of us is really doing it? We are still missing the testing phase. But no worries! Let me show you how CloudFormation templates can be tested; how to be sure that code committed to the repository will be properly prepared and ready to execute through CI/CD!

Pawel Piwosz
EPAM Systems

Pawel Piwosz has over 20 years as in IT industry professional working for a range of large companies to small startups. Currently, Pawel is working at Epam as Lead Systems Engineer, and helping the organization to grow DevOps practices. He is also leading the DevOps Community Poland and is a member of the BIRD (Be In Real DevOps) movement. His main focus these days is self development in pursuit of extensive knowledge and experience with containers, clouds, serverless, CI/CD, automation tools and monitoring, and helping people to understand DevOps.