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Ole Lensmar

SmartBear Software

Ole Lensmar is chief technology officer at SmartBear Software, a leading provider of quality and performance management solutions used by more than one million software development and operations professionals worldwide. Ole is the cofounder of eviware software, which joined forces with SmartBear in 2011, and the creator of SoapUI, the most used API testing tool in the world. He speaks frequently on the importance of API testing and other related topics, most recently at STARWEST 2013, the API Strategy & Practice Conference, and API Days.

Speaker Presentations
Thursday, October 16, 2014 - 3:00pm
Testing API Security: A Wizard’s Guide

As we've seen in recurring events in the past year, web services APIs are a primary target for security attacks—and the consequences can be catastrophic for both API providers and end users. Stolen passwords, leaked credit card numbers, and revealed private messages and photos are just some of the headaches awaiting those who have been compromised. Ole Lensmar puts on his hacker-cloak to show how attackers break systems via web service APIs with fuzzing, session spoofing, injection attacks, cross-site scripting, and other methods. Learn how these attacks actually work on an API and how we can test an API to make sure it isn't vulnerable—without compromising the API at the same time. Find out the roles various security-related standards play and how they affect testing. Come and find out. You can’t afford not to.