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Tuesday, October 14, 2014 - 8:30am - 4:30pm
Full-day Tutorials

Successful Test Automation: A Manager’s ViewSOLD OUT

Many organizations invest substantial time and effort in test automation but do not achieve the significant returns they expected. Some blame the tool they used; others conclude test automation just doesn't work in their situation. The truth, however, is often very different. These organizations are typically doing many of the right things but they are not addressing key issues that are vital to long term test automation success. Describing the most important issues that you must address, Mark Fewster helps you understand and choose the best approaches for your organization—no matter which automation tools you use. We’ll discuss both management issues—responsibilities, automation objectives, and return on investment—and technical issues—testware architecture, pre- and post-processing, and automated comparison techniques. If you are involved with managing test automation and need to understand the key issues in making test automation successful, join Mark for this enlightening tutorial.

Mark Fewster, Grove Software Testing Ltd.

Mark Fewster has more than thirty years of experience in software testing ranging from test management to test techniques and test automation. For the past two decades, Mark has provided consultancy and training in software testing, published papers, and co-authored Software Test Automation and Experiences of Test Automation with Dorothy Graham. A popular speaker at conferences worldwide, Mark has won the Mercury BTO Innovation in Quality Award. He is currently helping ISTQB define the expert level certification for test automation.

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