STAREAST 2022 Concurrent Session : Creative Brain Breaks for the Office


Wednesday, April 27, 2022 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Creative Brain Breaks for the Office

A notion of eras past is that while at work, people should be focused on work only. But times have changed and bringing games into the workplace can provide the X-factor your team has been missing. This isn't gamification of work. This isn't video games but board, card and role-playing. The goal is to get employees away from their desks and monitors but keep their minds engaged. Most games involve strategic thinking, adjusting to changes on the fly and often collaboration with the added benefit of fun. I will talk about virtues of specific games (Ticket To Ride, Flux, D&D and others) , when to play them and how to accomplish team-building on a regular basis not only without disrupting work, but actually ramping up productivity. We've seen increased employee engagement and team communication, and more creative solutions to problems since we introduced game days. You'll leave with ideas, recommendations, and hopefully a smile.

Mark Minson
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Mark Minson is a Swiss-Army knife in the QA field. A certified Scrum Master with QA Lead and automation experience, he has also spent time doing project management and an assortment of other duties. He enjoys the challenge of quality and having fun in the workplace. Since going back to school for his Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering at 30 with 5 kids, he's been involved with QA automation and discovering the value of good process.