STAREAST 2021 - Test Management | TechWell

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STAREAST Virtual 2021 - Test Management

Thursday, April 29

Jeff Payne

Test Management in Agile—What Happened to All My Testers?

Thursday, April 29, 2021 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Substantial confusion exists about the roles and responsibilities of test management when using an agile software development process. Agile seeks to streamline project management and leadership under the role of a ScrumMaster. But what does this mean for test managers? How do they stay involved in the process? What role do they fill? Is it possible that test managers are no longer needed? Join Jeffery Payne for a collaborative dialog to discuss the pros and cons of a variety of test management models he has seen used by companies who have adopted agile. Learn how to best position yourself...

Guardant Health

Want to Be a Manager? What No One Tells You About It

Thursday, April 29, 2021 - 2:15pm to 3:15pm

You have now successfully lead multiple projects for your team. You know you’re ready to be a manager but your organization disagrees or maybe you have already made the jump. You have seen good management in action. You also know of all the mistakes your previous managers have made and you are certain you won’t make them. Think again. Whether you’re looking to grow into a management role or you’re a new manager, what skills should you learn and grow so that you do not fail brilliantly at this new role? Join Aprajita Mathur as she shares her journey into management. What no one told her and...

Anna Ondrish

Creating a QA Department Out of Nothing

Thursday, April 29, 2021 - 3:45pm to 4:45pm

We will discuss the following areas that need to be addressed as you take on the opportunity. You could write the test cases in word or excel but why when there are so many free tools or minimally expensive tools out there. We will discuss the different tools available and how to compare and write a proposal to deliver to management. After a certain amount of time you will need help. Should you hire contractors, full time employees, or a mix of both? We will discuss the pros and cons. As you are hiring and then have the people secured it’s important to put the right people on the right...