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Wednesday, May 1, 2013 - 11:30am - 12:30pm
Test Automation

The Pathologies of Failed Test Automation Projects

Most test automation projects never die—they just become a mess and are redone. Initial solutions that start well and are full of promise often end up as brittle and unmaintainable monsters consuming more effort than they save. Political feuds can flourish as different automation solutions compete for attention and dominance. Tests become inefficient in both execution time and resource usage. Disillusionment ensues, projects are redefined, and the cycle begins again. Surely we can learn how to avoid such trouble on the next project. Michael Stahl has analyzed automation projects and identified recognizable failure patterns—mushrooming, duplication, going for the numbers, and others. Michael describes these patterns, suggests how to detect them early, and shares ways to avoid or mitigate them. Whether your team is just starting on test automation—or is already in full flight—you’ll take back ideas to improve the chances of achieving success in your test automation efforts.

Michael Stahl, Intel

Michael Stahl is a software validation architect at Intel, working with a team that validates Intel's graphics hardware drivers. In this role, Michael defines testing strategies and work methodologies for test teams, and tests part of the product himself—the work he enjoys most. As a twenty-two year veteran and senior engineer, he has been witness to what works—and what doesn’t—in test strategies, communications, and automation. An avid teacher, Michael enjoys sharing his observations with others.

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