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Monday, April 29, 2013 - 8:30am - 12:00pm
Half-day Tutorials

Implementing Crowdsourced Testing

In today’s market, global outreach, quick time to release, and a feature rich design are the major factors that determine a product’s success. Organizations are constantly on the lookout for innovative testing techniques to match these driving forces. Crowdsourced testing is a paradigm increasing in popularity because it addresses these factors through its scale, flexibility, cost effectiveness, and fast turnaround. Join Rajini Padmanaban as she describes what it takes to implement a crowdsourced testing effort including its definition, models, relevance to today’s development world, and challenges and mitigation strategies. Rajini shares the facts and myths about crowdsourced testing. She spans a range of theory and practice including case studies of real-life experiences and exercises to illustrate her message, and explains what it takes to maximize the benefits of a crowdsourced test implementation.