Success with Test Automation Projects: A People-driven Approach
NewAs we face increased demands for speed, change and technical excellence—the pressure, and the need for automating aspects of testing increases. But, successful test automation is not just about selecting and implementing tools and a technical infrastructure. People ensure the success or failure of the automation project; they must drive the project. Join Isabel Evans as she shows you how to make your test automation projects people-driven, by focusing on two vital but often neglected elements of any automation project: attitudes towards automation and experiences of automation. What attitudes do people have: are they setting the destination, driving the car, navigating, or just reluctant passengers? For people to see and understand the benefits of automation, their experience should be like a modern car where you get in and concentrate on your journey and destination; not an old jalopy where you have to clean spark plugs, double-declutch the gears, and use a starting handle. Take away concepts and methods to make your automation project people-driven: understand and overcome resistance to automation, manage expectations and deliver an optimal experience of the automation by using UX methods early in the automation project.
Independent quality and testing consultant Isabel Evans has more than thirty years of IT experience in the financial, communications, and software sectors. Her work focuses on quality management, software testing, and user experience (UX). Isabel authored Achieving Software Quality through Teamwork and chapters in Agile Testing: How to Succeed in an eXtreme Testing Environment, The Testing Practitioner, and Foundations of Software Testing. A popular speaker and storyteller at software conferences worldwide, Isabel is a fellow of the British Computer Society and a twenty-year member of software industry improvement working groups, and she received the 2017 EuroSTAR Testing Excellence Award. Connect with Isabel on LinkedIn, Twitter, or her website.