How Fast Is My App? Performance Testing 101
Product owners and stakeholders love to ask about performance. “Is the app fast? How fast?” What do those questions even mean? Are they interested in the number of transactions per second? The time for the page to load? How many users it can support at once? Performance testing is a much broader topic than just being able to say an application is “fast” or “slow.” There is load testing, stress testing, and soak testing. You can measure transaction times, concurrency, and capacity. You can address some performance issues with more systems, others with more memory or faster processors or a better network. It all depends on what you mean by "How fast?" Join Gene Gotimer as he showcases open source tools like JMeter and Gatling to measure different types of performance testing. He'll also discuss how Firefox and Chrome can show what the user experience is like in terms of performance. You will leave with a better understanding of what performance testing is, as well as some tools to get started implementing it in your delivery pipeline.
Gene Gotimer is a proven senior software architect with many years of experience in web-based enterprise application design, most recently using Java. He is skilled in agile software development as well as legacy development methodologies and designing and developing secure, high-quality software. He has extensive experience establishing and using development ecosystems including continuous integration, continuous delivery, DevOps, unit testing, and a variety of software assurance tools and supporting processes. Gene feels strongly that repeatability, quality, and security are all strongly intertwined; each of them is dependent on the other two, which just makes agile and DevOps that much more crucial to software development.