Conference archive


Wednesday, October 26, 2016 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Test Metrics in Agile: A Powerful Tool to Demonstrate Value

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Most understand that an agile development and testing approach improves quality and reduces risks in our projects. In some companies and culture however, there are skeptics. Is the move to agile—and therefore agile testing—really beneficial? Join Iuliia Zavertailo for a closer look at a Scandinavian insurance company that started with one manual tester and within three years moved toward opening a large test center in the Baltic. Behind this story were many small steps of demonstrating testing's value to the client through a well-defined set of agile metrics which quantitatively supported the importance and value of testing. Iullia gives examples of key performance indicators—test coverage, defect open and close rates, issues reported by customers, and regression test suite duration—and provides a roadmap for building a test metrics framework. She then discusses tools that support the agile test framework, provides guidance on how to analyze test statistics, and offers ways to present the facts that interest clients most.

Itera Norge

A senior test lead in projects at the Nordic Insurance & Pension company—KLP, Iuliia Zavertailo has ten years of experience in the testing and quality assurance field focused on test management and test processes. As a consultant and adviser on test matters, Iuliia has been working with ISO 9000 standards assisting with the implementation of test routines and frameworks at the Itera company. For a large insurance company, IF Skadeforsikring, she implemented the metrics collection framework which is now used to visualize the quality status of key corporate products and to track progress on test process improvements.