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Tuesday, April 8, 2014 - 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Test Management

Agile Test Management and Reporting—Even in a Non-Agile Project NEW

Whether you have dedicated test teams or testers distributed over Scrum teams, you have the challenge of planning, tracking, and reporting their testing not only in a meaningful way but also in a way that can adapt to the rapidly changing environment of software development projects. Many commonly used planning methods do not allow for flexibility, and reporting often relies on horribly flawed metrics including number of test cases executed or test pass percentage. Paul Holland explains a planning, tracking, and reporting method he developed during his last five years as a test manager at Alcatel-Lucent. Paul describes how he uses powerful “high-tech” tools like whiteboards and spreadsheets to create easy-to-understand visual representations of his group’s testing. Learn how you can create status reports that provide the details that upper management seeks. These status reports are effective in both waterfall and agile environments—and will stand up to management scrutiny.

Paul Holland, Testing Thoughts

An independent software test consultant and teacher, Paul Holland has more than sixteen years of hands-on testing and test management experience, primarily at Alcatel-Lucent where he led a transformation of the testing approach for two product divisions, making them more efficient and effective. As a test manager and tester, Paul focused on exploratory testing, test automation, and improving testing techniques.

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