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Thursday, April 11, 2013 - 12:45pm - 1:45pm
Test Management

Snappy Visualizations for Test Communications

Do you struggle to find the best way to explain your testing status and coverage to your stakeholders? Do numbers and metrics make your stakeholders’ eyes glaze over, or, even worse, do you feel dirty giving metrics that you know are going to be abused? Do you have challenges explaining your strategy to fellow testers and developers? Visualizations are a great way to turn raw data into powerful communications. Thomas Vaniotis presents eleven powerful visual tools that can be created easily with simple materials around the office—sticky notes, graph paper, markers, and whiteboards. Thomas shows you how to use these tools to facilitate conversations about testing status, product quality, test planning, and risk—and how to combine them to provide a holistic view of the project status. Join Thomas in a hands-on, interactive session to construct examples of some of these visuals. Return to your office with a toolkit of powerful, snappy images to take your test communication to the next level.

Thomas Vaniotis, Liquidnet

Thomas Vaniotis is a product manager for production support at institutional brokerage Liquidnet in New York City.  He delivers quality tools for the product support team based on nearly a decade of experience in financial software as a tester, developer, and product lead.

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