Conference archive

Lance Gleason

Polyglot Programming Inc.
Lance Gleason

A computer nut since he was a kid, Lance Gleason is founder and CEO of Polyglot Programming LLC, focusing on Ruby, mobile, and wearable software development. Lance previously worked as a Java developer and architect for Kodak, CNN, and GE. He regularly speaks about Ruby and wearable development at conferences worldwide and is the co-organizer of the Atlanta Sensors and Startups Meetup, Ruby DCamp ZA, and Rubyfuza, the only Ruby conference in Africa. He is known to practice interspecies pair (purr) programming with his orange tabby, Allie. When not writing code, Lance may be diving with sharks, trekking through Chernobyl, sampling wine, cheering on the Springboks, or perfecting his biltong recipe.