Kick-Start Your Android Development (2-Day)
- Learn the fundamentals of Android Development
- Create Android applications using the Android Studio IDE
- Understand how to use Gradle to build Android applications
- Get hands-on experience using the latest development tools and techniques
During this two-day hands-on course learn the fundamentals of Android development using the latest available tools and techniques. With over two billion Android devices in the world, ranging from phones, tablets, wearables and automotive apps the demand for Android applications is growing rapidly. Development of all of these applications will need to be done using the open source Android operating system, and for developers learning how to use this system, it is imperative.
This course covers everything you need to kickstart your Android development. Activities, Intents, view layer widgets and fragments, networking, services, and more. Also, there will be an overview of how the Gradle build system is applied to Android. During this course you will create applications using Android Studio; the only officially supported Android IDE.
The course is hands-on and requires that students be comfortable with writing general Java code at an intermediate level.
- Create Android applications using the Android Studio IDE
- Understand activities and intents
- Save data in files and the included Sqlite database
- Use asynchronous tasks for multithreaded processing
- Access RESTful web services over the net
- Process JSON data
- Work with preferences
This is a hands-on workshop. If you plan to participate in the hands-on coding activities, you need to come prepared with a laptop that has the Android Studio IDE installed. Detailed instructions for installing for Android Studio on different platforms are listed at Note that the software works for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, so any of those operating systems are acceptable for this course and should be downloaded before class.
- Toast and Snackbar
- Modal dialogs
- Interacting with activities
- Creating fragments
- Implementing interfaces
- Adding fragments to activities
- The fragment lifecycle
- The back stack
- ListFragment
- Menu XML files
- Adding items
- Using the Action Bar
- Reacting to menu selections
- Built-in intents
- Adding intents to the manifest
- Registering for intents
- Intent filters
- Broadcast receivers
- Internal storage in files
- External storage
- Shared preferences
- Preference activities and fragments
- The Sqlite database
- Sqlite helpers and adapters
- Using a list adapter
- Populating lists
- Responding to click events
- Defining flavors
- Using build types
- Changing resources in variants
- Building APKs
- Testing non-Android parts of an app
- The Android Testing Support Library
- Functional testing with Robotium
- Activity testing with Espresso
- Signing your app
- Registering with Google Play
- Generating release APKs
- Uploading and customizing your app
Ken Kousen is the president of Kousen IT, Inc., through which he does technical training, mentoring, and consulting in all areas related to Java, specializing in Android, Spring, Hibernate, Groovy, and Grails. He is the author of the books Making Java Groovy and Gradle for Android, as well as video courses on several topics, including Android development. Ken is a regular speaker on the No Fluff, Just Stuff conference tour and presents at many international conferences. He holds several technical certifications and through the past decade has taught thousands of developers in business and industry. In 2013 Ken won a JavaOne Rock Star award. Follow Ken @kenkousen.