Conference archive


Friday, April 28, 2017 - 11:00am to 11:45am

Building and Testing Secure Mobile Apps

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Mobile application development is now a mission-critical component of IT organizations and a big part of the software industry’s landscape. Due to the security threats associated with mobile devices, it is critical we build our apps—from the ground up—to be secure and trustworthy. However, many application developers and testers do not understand how to build and test secure mobile applications. Alan Crouch discusses the risks associated with mobile platforms/applications and describes proven practices for ensuring the safety of your mobile applications. Alan delves into the unique nuances of mobile platforms and how these differences impact the security approach when you are developing and testing mobile applications. Topics include session management, data encryption, securing legacy code, and platform security models. Learn what to watch out for when you start developing your next mobile app, and take away tips and tricks for effectively securing and testing existing apps.

Alan Couch

Alan Crouch is a director of mobile testing with Coveros, Inc., which helps companies build better applications using agile, DevOps, and security best practices. Alan works with C-level and senior management at private companies and federal agencies to transform and adopt a more “mobile-first” approach to information technology. Alan has worked with Departments of Homeland Security, Defense, and Health and Human Services; Symantec; and mobile start-ups to build and test Android, iOS, and responsive web applications. His passion is the intersection of mobile testing and information security. Spare time finds Alan traveling the globe and creating adventures for his son and daughter. Follow Alan on Twitter @RealAlanCrouch or on LinkedIn.