Conference archive

Bryan Batty

Bryan Batty

Bryan Batty brings more than ten years of software engineering experience to Coveros. His development experience includes .NET, Java, and Ruby. He has been increasingly involved in application security, including coaching development teams on secure coding, pushing security practices farther left in the development lifecycle, and automating security where practical. Over the past year, Bryan has gained expertise in a DevOps engineering role where he develops and maintains automation scripts to dynamically test code, spin up and provision servers, create auto-scaling groups and load balancers, and, deploy applications to their staged environments. As an experienced IT consultant, Bryan has brought technical solutions to a variety clients in both the federal space and commercial space. He enjoys learning the business models within various industries, as well as solving the unique technical challenges discovered within. When he is not working on projects, Bryan helps organize the Washington, DC chapter of OWASP, where he helps bring together DC-area IT professionals monthly to discuss application security. In 2016, he finds himself on the planning committee for OWASP’s flagship conference, AppSec USA, to be held in Washington, DC in October 2016.