if(trackingNum != 'null'){ } EPIC Experience - Conference Speaker: Sean Ely

Conference archive

Sean Ely

The Improv Effect

Sean Ely is a Second City Conservatory alumnus, regularly performing at 15 different theaters across the Midwest. He started his own videography business thanks to the experience he had working at Tribune Publishing for two years. He is also the co-founder of Number Six With Cheese, a comedy food review series with 175 episodes under its belt. Sean also loves electric skateboards, diner hashbrowns and traveling somewhere new every month. Sean also works The Improv Effect’s corporate improvisational trainer, alongside Jessie Shternshus. He specializes in very quickly getting individuals to come out of their shells and have a great time advancing their socializing skills. Sean has also performed on stage with The Improv Effect’s performance group.