Python for Testers: Testing RESTful APIs
NewOdds are you have REST APIs in your organization, connecting different services, front ends, and back ends—and it’s a fair chance you have to test them as well. There are commercial and free tools out there that allow you to construct your own REST API calls, but the drawback of using any such tool is that inherently it will limit you in its application, and some of them with the added licence cost to boot. But REST APIs are easy to work with, and combined with the simplicity and strength of Python, you can quickly get started writing your own automated checks. Learn how simple it is to write your own test cases using Python, and gain a lot of flexibility and power via the standard library and the Python ecosystem. We will be using Python 3, PyTest, and Requests in this workshop for building automated test cases and generating test data. Discover how to achieve a clean and predictable system under test, clean up and reset databases and other resources, and consume external REST APIs to generate your own test data. You’ll get a better understanding of Python and be able to test a RESTful API.
Note: Attendees should bring their own laptops pre-installed with Virtualbox. The workshop virtual machine will be available ahead of time for download and as a USB stick during the class.
Kristoffer Nordström is a test developer who has worked with telecommunications systems, distributed compilers, cloud technology, smartphone OS development, embedded systems, and much more. As a testing devotee and a member of the context-driven test community, with his own company Kristoffer consults and teaches the course Python for Testers because he believes in tools-assisted sapient testing. Over the years he has seen the immense value of testers learning how to distill large amounts of information into the so-called “big picture,” and he advocates for learning the soft skills necessary to collaborate with the people making up the organization. Apart from being an avid software tester, Kristoffer is also a sci-fi reader, lamp maker, and craftsman.