if(trackingNum != 'null'){ } EPIC Experience 2020 Tutorial: Cypress 101: JavaScript Test Automation

Conference archive

Tuesday, April 21, 2020 - 8:30am to 12:00pm

Cypress 101: JavaScript Test Automation


Cypress, a JavaScript end-to-end test automation tool, has generated a lot of buzz recently. Many developers prefer Cypress over other test automation tools because of its speed, convenience, and ease of use. In this workshop, we’ll use Cypress to create automated tests. In writing these tests, you’ll learn how to use Cypress to interact with web elements, add Cypress assertions to tests, create page objects, use Cypress’s built-in wait strategies and customize them as needed, group tests and execute them in parallel, as well as make and verify API calls. With JavaScript becoming the top language for developing web applications, you'll leave with working knowledge of how to write JavaScript tests using the hottest new test automation framework. This is an excellent way to enhance your automation skills and increase your marketability.

Note: Attendees should bring a laptop and have a working knowledge of JavaScript. Preparation instructions will be mailed to you prior to the workshop.


Angie Jones

Angie Jones is a Senior Developer Advocate who specializes in test automation strategies and techniques. She shares her wealth of knowledge by speaking and teaching at software conferences all over the world, writing tutorials and technical articles on angiejones.tech, and leading the online learning platform, Test Automation University. As a Master Inventor, Angie is known for her innovative and out-of-the-box thinking style which has resulted in more than 25 patented inventions in the US and China. In her spare time, Angie volunteers with Black Girls Code to teach coding workshops to young girls in an effort to attract more women and minorities to tech.