if(trackingNum != 'null'){ } EPIC Experience 2020 Concurrent Session : Slicing Kubernetes with Raspberry Pi, Monitoring, and Chaos

Conference archive

Wednesday, April 22, 2020 - 10:15am to 10:45am

Slicing Kubernetes with Raspberry Pi, Monitoring, and Chaos

Do you ever feel like your systems lack unnecessary complexity? Do they just need more overengineering? This is the talk for you. Jonan Scheffler will detail the creation of a Raspberry Pi–based desktop Kubernetes cluster in an attempt to overcomplicate the already complex world of stateless web application deployment. He’ll walk through building an observability platform using open source tools like Prometheus, Grafana, and Jaeger to keep a close watch on our tiny fragile microservices, and then break them intentionally for our own amusement. Follow along as we exact our revenge on those infinitely frustrating code pits of rage in which we spend most of our lives. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll learn to appreciate why ARM-based desktop solutions do not make an effective replacement for entire cloud service ecosystems.


Jonan Scheffler

Jonan Scheffler is a developer advocate with a long history of breaking things in public and occasionally putting them back together again. His interest in physical computing often leads him to experiment with robotics and microelectronics, though his professional experience is more closely tied to cloud services and modern application development techniques. In order to break things more effectively, he is particularly excited about observability lately, and he’s committed to helping developers around the world gain insight into their systems, with a tight focus on distilling big data into immediately actionable monitoring.