if(trackingNum != 'null'){ } EPIC Experience 2020 Concurrent Session : JACKPOT! - Successful Automation for Testing Embedded Systems

Conference archive

Wednesday, April 22, 2020 - 11:00am to 11:30am

JACKPOT! - Successful Automation for Testing Embedded Systems

Testing slot machines can present its own challenges as a constant mix of testing software, hardware and server. There are complex algorithms, machine responses, payout percentages, and fault tolerances. By fusing a combination of an API & UI-based automation approach, this can all come together. This case study that will illustrate how to use a Keyword methodology into UI-based recordings across both Windows & Linux systems to maintain global singularity. There will be an architecture review of how the new API library was built with the Keyword library, then finally tied in with the UI-recordings. Despite being specific to casino machines, there are extracts for dependency consideration for any testing team dealing with cross-platform or cross-testing dependencies. Through this, all, also see how leveraging a Kanban environment best fit the management of work items and the ultimate delivery of tests. Come learn more about the complexity of automating tests for slot machines and some good testing approaches from it with Jim and his technical lead, Neha. CHA-CHING!



Aristocrat Technologies

Jim Trentadue has more than twenty years of experience as a coordinator and manager in the software testing field. In his various career roles in testing, Jim has focused on test execution, automation, management, environment management, standards deployment, and test tool implementation. In the area of offshore testing, Jim has worked with multiple large firms to develop and coordinate cohesive relationships. As a guest speaker at the University of South Florida’s software testing class, Jim mentors students on the testing industry and trends for establishing future job searches and continued training. Jim has started his own Test Automation Foundations & Principles workshop aimed at helping manual testers get started with test automation.