if(trackingNum != 'null'){ } EPIC Experience | April 19–23, 2020 | San Diego, CA<br>#EPICEXP

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By Bas Dijkstra | January 24, 2020
Lots of test automation efforts in agile software development fail, or at least do not maximize their potential. This article looks at two main reasons test automation may not live up to the expectations that testers and other stakeholders in the agile development process have, then outlines six steps to avoid falling into these traps. Here's how to succeed with test automation in an agile environment.

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By Denise Rigoni | January 24, 2020
Part of the path to DevOps requires adoption of agile methodologies. What does it mean for testing when you switch from the traditional waterfall model, with a few long release cycles per year, to the agile model, with changes occurring every two weeks? Here are five key factors to achieve the agile software testing necessary in DevOps.