Better Software West 2018 Tutorial: Chartering Agile Teams: Conditions for Success

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Tuesday, June 5, 2018 - 8:30am to 12:00pm

Chartering Agile Teams: Conditions for Success

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Team charters are essential, but there's no specific formula for how to effectively create them or what to include. Each element of the team charter is specific to each team. There can be a framework for developing the charter, but it must be a collaborative effort of—at a minimum—the members of the team. Join Doc List as he shares his often-used framework, the key steps in crafting a charter, and the activities that are a must for the process. Explore aspects of setting specific constraints or criteria for the team, particularly Definition of Done and Definition of Ready, and see examples of what—and what not—to include. Doc explains the importance of setting team collaboration agreements and discusses how to effectively reinforce them during execution. Review standard agile roles and responsibility definitions, looking at the individual roles and how they need to play together. Finally, Doc discusses the importance of setting clear goals at all team levels and how this establishes the clarity needed for success.

Doc Norton

Doc is passionate about working with teams to improve delivery and building great organizations. Once a dedicated code slinger, Doc has turned his energy toward helping teams, departments, and companies work better together in the pursuit of better software. Working with a wide range of companies such as Groupon, Nationwide Insurance, Belly, and many others, Doc has applied tenets of agile, lean, systems thinking, and servant leadership to develop highly effective cultures and drastically improve their ability to deliver valuable software and products.