Conference archive

Better Software East 2016 - Keynote

Wednesday, November 16

Andy Kaufman
Institute for Leadership Excellence and Development, Inc.

Lead Teams that Deliver the Goods

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Wednesday, November 16, 2016 - 8:30am to 9:30am

In software development—and in many life activities—success often depends on how well we collaborate with our team and our stakeholders. Yet getting a group of people to truly work in partnership—let alone self-organize—is a daunting challenge. And we’re often left with lingering tensions, anxieties, and sub-par performance because teams are made up of people with varying degrees of knowledge, skill, and commitment. Although we need our team focused on delivering a great outcome, sometimes egos, personalities, and agendas get in the way. Andy Kaufman asks you to...

David Hussman

Building Product Development Communities: From Startups to the Enterprise

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Wednesday, November 16, 2016 - 10:00am to 11:00am

When we want to produce more product with the same number of staff, we normally think about adding more process. David Hussman believes we don’t necessarily need to do that. Instead of talking about scaling agile, David focuses on scaling product learning—while avoiding process inflation along the way. Topics he addresses are: moving from Scrum teams to product team to focus on product success, mapping teams to product(s), interconnecting product discovery and product delivery techniques, and the challenges associated with cross team dependencies and constraints...

Thursday, November 17

Sherry Chang

Solve Everyday IT Problems with DevOps

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Thursday, November 17, 2016 - 8:30am to 9:30am

Some believe that DevOps is only applicable to Internet-based companies with a desire to disrupt existing businesses. On the contrary, DevOps practices can dramatically reduce many everyday IT problems—defects, incidents, waste, bottlenecks, downtime, and infrastructure fragility. Sherry Chang dives into these problem areas and outlines the DevOps tools, practices, culture, and other artifacts necessary to eradicate them. She shares practical tips and hard-learned lessons from Intel IT to arm you with the knowledge and tools you need for DevOps adoption. You and...

Larry Maccherone

Agile Metrics: Make Better Decisions with Data

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Thursday, November 17, 2016 - 4:15pm to 5:15pm

Some consider measurement in agile development destructive—or at the very least useless. Larry Maccherone disagrees and offers insight into how you can use metrics in an agile environment to make life better. How do you know when you are ready to introduce metrics into the environment? What are the sources for these metrics? What tools and techniques are necessary to make decisions probabilistically? What are the mindset shifts necessary for metrics to help you making better decisions? How do teams and organizations avoid the anti-patterns that so often derail a...