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Cloud Testing

Concurrent Sessions

BW11 Engineering the Cloud: How We Build Cloud Foundry at Pivotal
Elisabeth Hendrickson, Pivotal
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 4:15pm

Cloud Foundry is an open source Platform as a Service (PaaS). The people working on it come from a variety of companies including Pivotal. Cloud Foundry is an example of applying Extreme Programming at scale. In this case study, Elisabeth Hendrickson describes how the engineering teams working on Cloud Foundry build the cloud, and why the process works so well. The engineers work from a prioritized backlog managed by a Product Manager. When coding, they pair, test drive, and continuously integrate. All twenty-eight teams across six locations are responsible for their quality, their builds, and their tests. The code base involves more than a hundred repositories, thousands of files, and in excess of a million lines of code. No separate QA department and no independent testers, but explorers—not as many as you might imagine—are integrated with the teams. Join Elisabeth to see why the process works to deliver a high quality product.

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BT2 Eight Miles High: Build Cloud-native and Cloud-aware Systems
Chris Haddad, Karux
Thu, 11/12/2015 - 10:00am

Achieve development agility, improve run-time application resiliency, and deliver highly-responsive applications by adopting cloud-native design patterns and building cloud-aware applications. Forklifting applications into the cloud is relatively fast, but the simple path into the cloud does not create better software. End-users may still complain about your development velocity, operations may still struggle to maintain uptime guarantees, and development iterations may continue at a glacial pace. By iteratively applying cloud-native design patterns and re-architecting applications, teams reduce technical debt, deploy with confidence, and build highly scalable solutions. Cloud-aware applications embrace microservices, actor model interactions, map-reduce processing, shared-nothing architecture, and the thirteen dwarf patterns. Learn about cloud-native design practices and frameworks that help you optimize scalability, foster anti-fragility, and decompose application monoliths into cloud-native microservices. Chris describes how Akka, Hadoop, Apache Stratos, Hysterix, and other open source projects make cloud-native design and implementation an approachable proposition.

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BT5 Performance Testing Cloud-Based Systems
Edwin Chan, Deloitte Inc.
Thu, 11/12/2015 - 11:30am

As cloud computing becomes of strategic importance in the enterprise, part of the solution is no longer on-premise but in the cloud, adding a layer of complexity. Edwin Chan demystifies performance testing of cloud systems and applications by addressing the following key questions: Is performance testing of cloud systems fundamentally different from testing on-premises applications? What are the best practices for performance testing of both cloud and on-premises systems? Performance testing of cloud systems is essentially the same as that of its on-premises counterpart with the exception of the key consideration of network latency. After clearing common misconceptions, Edwin shares the hot topic best practices—adopting an agile/lean methodology, conducting early performance testing, and automating the injection of test data. Discuss the challenges the testing team faces in these days of disruptive and fast-paced technology changes. Take back and apply some of the best practices that fit your organization’s need.

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