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Monday, November 11, 2013 - 8:30am - 12:00pm
Half-day Tutorials

Agile Program Management: Networks, Not Hierarchies NEW

When you think of program management, do you think of big lumbering organizational beasts that add little value, and people demanding “When will you be done?” or “Can we add this feature before the desired release date?” Agile program management encourages small-world networks of collaborative teams that can solve problems and deliver features fast. That requires the entire program be agile and lean—using small batch sizes, integrating continuously, having short iterations, and tracking cycle time so you can coordinate across the organization. Johanna Rothman describes ways to create small-world networks that help your project teams release together and on time. With communities of practice as formal networks you enable people to master their craft or facilitate links to other project teams, allowing people to build their autonomy while collaborating. As a program manager or as a participant in a large program, you have many options—once you start thinking of agile program management as a network.

Johanna Rothman, Rothman Consulting Group, Inc.

Known as the “Pragmatic Manager,”Johanna Rothman helps organizational leaders identify problems and risks in their product development and recognize potential “gotchas,” seize opportunities, and remove impediments. Johanna is the technical editor for and is author of Manage Your Job Search, Hiring Geeks That Fit, Manage Your Project Portfolio: Increase Your Capacity and Finish More Projects, the 2008 Jolt Productivity award-winning Manage It!

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