Agile + DevOps West 2021 - Digital Transformation | TechWell

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Agile + DevOps Virtual 2021 - Digital Transformation

Tuesday, June 8

Jeff Payne

Agile Project Failures: Root Causes and Corrective Actions

Tuesday, June 8, 2021 - 10:00am to 1:30pm

Agile initiatives always begin with high expectations—accelerate delivery, meet customer needs, and improve software quality. The truth is that many agile projects do not deliver on some or all of these expectations. If you want help to ensure the success of your agile project or to get an agile project back on track, this tutorial is for you. Jeffery Payne discusses the most common causes of agile project failure and how you can avoid these issues or mitigate their damaging effects. Poor project management, ineffective requirements development, failed communications, software development...

Wednesday, June 9

LitheSpeed LLC

Business Agility in Uncertain Times

Wednesday, June 9, 2021 - 11:45am to 12:45pm

The COVID-19 pandemic crisis has affected businesses across the world. In 2020, we worked hard to execute immediate actions like for 100% Working From Home (WFH) in many countries. Even as things have stabilized, we all know that we are a long way away from the next normal. As a brighter future emerges in 2021, three focus areas for business agility are:

1. Customer-centric Lean Mindset. Developing a customer-centric lean mindset from executives to individual contributors helps drive consistency of purpose and alignment of action end-to-end across the enterprise.

2. Lean...

Chevron Corporation

Even Large Enterprises Need to be Agile

Wednesday, June 9, 2021 - 1:15pm to 2:15pm

To survive in this digital age of speed, agility, and customer-centricity, large enterprises must focus their efforts towards the delivery of the highest customer value within the shortest amount of time. Large enterprises are forced to operate like start-up companies. The only way to sustainably achieve this is through a Digital Transformation that drives Business Agility. But how can an organization embark on such a transformation? What would it take to transform the embedded practices: legacy applications, inefficient processes, traditional culture? How do we even begin? This...

QualityWorks Consulting Group

Shifting Left - Introduction to Testing

Wednesday, June 9, 2021 - 1:15pm to 2:15pm

Shift left encourages testing to be done as early as possible. This practice results in developers doing more testing as well as other stakeholders. Testers aren’t the only ones responsible for the quality of the software. With this move there is a need for everyone to understand how to test and to test properly. This move also brings with it questions such as What are the correct terminologies to use? How do you properly report a bug? How did you find that bug? What are best practices for testing? Should everything be automated? In this session Julia will go through an introduction to...

Jean Dahl

Tightening the Nuts and Bolts of Agile at Scale Program Management

Wednesday, June 9, 2021 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm

Applying Agile ways of working to large complex programs involves more than merely teaching your teams to sprint. It requires the building blocks of strategic planning, road mapping, and backlog prioritization to properly plan the work and deliver customer-centric value. In this session we will look at these essential components of Agile at Scale Program Management to successfully deliver large, complex solutions that entail both custom development and large, off-the-shelf COTS programs. Specifically, we will discuss the following topics: 1. How to apply Agile principles to At Scale...


The Importance of a QMO in World-Class Agile Teams

Wednesday, June 9, 2021 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm

In today’s competitive environment, being the first to market is critical. But what happens when there’s a heavy focus on building teams and role changes that you place quality aspects of your transformation on the back burner. Your move to agility may run into impediments if you haven’t engaged quality from the beginning, or worse, they rush unfinished or buggy products to market. In our one hour discussion, we’ll talk about how organizations use an Agile Mindset and approach to transition from traditional ways of thinking to include a QMO when delivering quality products and solutions...

Thursday, June 10


Remote Onboarding: How to Make the Most of It

Thursday, June 10, 2021 - 11:45am to 12:45pm

A lot of companies struggle with onboarding remotely. It often happens because of the lack the face to face interactions, communication challenges and difficulties tracking the process and therefore, reveal the potential of the new employees. Moreover, it often leads to overall drop in team performance. Therefore, I'd like to share the recipe of how to iteratively set up the efficient remote on boarding and adaptation period for the agile teams. Among our key success factors we had: cross-teams patterns development, adaptation plan with all team members involvement, challenging...


What Can We Learn about our Agile Transformations from Wardley Maps?

Thursday, June 10, 2021 - 11:45am to 12:45pm

After over a decade of agile transformations, many organizations are looking for signs that the change is complete. You are faster, more focussed, and delivering a product with higher quality, but when are you done? Models of Agile maturity have emerged that promise to measure “how agile you are”, with some mythical end point. By introducing a Wardley Maps in the context of business agility, you will be able to map out the path of your transformation, fill in any gaps that you may have, and begin to understand what direction your transformation may take you in the future. Business...


Lost in the forest: Tying transformation metrics to business outcomes

Thursday, June 10, 2021 - 1:15pm to 2:15pm

Have you ever looked at a dashboard and felt lost? Have you been asked the question “why are we doing this?” and your answer has been “everyone is doing it.” Have you struggled to explain how your actions are going to benefit your business partners? Let’s explore ways to tie our metrics, progress, and transformation activities to business outcomes that matter to our organizations. We’ll start the session discussing why it’s important to map our transformation activities and metrics to organizational goals. We’ll also review real life examples of completed visual maps. You might be...


Aligning your DevOps Strategy to your Agile Transformation

Thursday, June 10, 2021 - 1:15pm to 2:15pm

If you have a small team on a greenfield project DevOps is easy to get started; your code is not that complex and you environment need tend to be limited. To do it appropriately for a 1,000 or 10,000 person shop with legacy code is orders of magnitude more complex. You have to do it with slices of the organization. You need to move through various stages of DevOps maturity. In this session we will walk you the practices to implement and the appropriate order to implement them to ensure you get valuable outcomes along the way. We will start with how to approach teams that are just...

Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company

Keep up with your development partners - use Scriptless test automation in DevOps

Thursday, June 10, 2021 - 3:15pm to 4:15pm

Continuous testing is an integral part of DevOps and test automation has become the holy grail of testing to continuously test the application code. Test automation framework requires continuous monitoring and maintenance of the test automation scripts. Test script maintenance is the most challenging part of test automation and is one of the major reasons why test automation fails in many organizations. Developers have realized “low-code/no-code” approaches are an efficient way to address the demand for more software, faster. But testers continue to use the high-maintenance, script-based...

Sauce Labs

Developing + Testing a Web App with Continuous Integration

Thursday, June 10, 2021 - 3:15pm to 4:15pm

Continuous integration seems to be a difficult topic that often eludes many individuals. Some typical questions that arise are which technologies should we use and how do we actually put everything together? However, CI doesn't need to be so difficult with the combination of the right tools. In this live-coding session developers will learn how to create a web-app using React. Afterward, we will shift-left by adding some automated unit tests using Jest. Next, we will shift-right by adding some functional tests using Finally, the developers will learn how to continuously build...


Continuous Evolution to Product Centric Operating Model: Enable Teams to Fly

Thursday, June 10, 2021 - 4:30pm to 5:30pm

Everywhere we hear and see software driven organizations have led and dominated their industry. An essential ingredient has been a shift to Lean Agile mindset and product centric operating model built on three pillars – product & portfolio management, product development & delivery and product enablement. These unicorns begin each mission with what problems we need to solve, what culture we want to build, what good looks like? Then align expectations with leaders that change is a journey and not a destination. They experiment and iterate, celebrate small wins, learn from failures...


Agile Metrics transformation to fix disconnect between Business and Delivery

Thursday, June 10, 2021 - 4:30pm to 5:30pm

There is a widespread disconnect between Business and Delivery. These days many delivery teams follow agile principles. Their focus is on improving agile metrics such as sprint velocity,tracking product burnup/burndown etc. However, these metrics/measures do not say anything about the value a user or customer is getting. Business wants to gauge customer satisfaction,employee satisfaction, time to market, innovation, cost, revenue etc. There is a disconnect. Some of the common pitfalls – last-minute surprises, dissatisfied teams, and significant cost impact. Agile metrics...