Agile + DevOps West 2021 - Agile/DevOps Transformations | TechWell

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Agile + DevOps Virtual 2021 - Agile/DevOps Transformations

Wednesday, June 9

Capital One

Overcoming Agile Resistance in Operations

Wednesday, June 9, 2021 - 11:45am to 12:45pm

What happens when you utter the word Agile to someone in your operational organization? Do you often get a negative response or maybe even rolling of the eyes? How often do you hear “we’re not developers, we don’t need to use agile”? In the Technology Operations Center at Capital One, we faced this exact issue. Associates in the center manage high severity incidents and problem management and resisted implementing Agile. Why? Because there are a lot of Agile misconceptions out there and it makes operational teams reluctant to adopt this framework despite the many benefits of using...


Adapting Agile Methodologies for Use in Regulated Industries Such as Aerospace & Life Sciences

Wednesday, June 9, 2021 - 1:15pm to 2:15pm

How to adapt agile techniques for planning, development and testing so that they can be used in larger more complex situations that have a high degree of regulatory complexity, such as life sciences, aerospace, automotive and defense. In this session I would like to discuss my experiences with planning, developing and testing software applications in industries such as healthcare and finance that are heavily regulated by the Government, with strict requirements for validation, traceability and evidence. During the session, I will provide several actual examples, based on experiences and...

Jean Dahl

Tightening the Nuts and Bolts of Agile at Scale Program Management

Wednesday, June 9, 2021 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm

Applying Agile ways of working to large complex programs involves more than merely teaching your teams to sprint. It requires the building blocks of strategic planning, road mapping, and backlog prioritization to properly plan the work and deliver customer-centric value. In this session we will look at these essential components of Agile at Scale Program Management to successfully deliver large, complex solutions that entail both custom development and large, off-the-shelf COTS programs. Specifically, we will discuss the following topics: 1. How to apply Agile principles to At Scale...

Thursday, June 10


What Can We Learn about our Agile Transformations from Wardley Maps?

Thursday, June 10, 2021 - 11:45am to 12:45pm

After over a decade of agile transformations, many organizations are looking for signs that the change is complete. You are faster, more focussed, and delivering a product with higher quality, but when are you done? Models of Agile maturity have emerged that promise to measure “how agile you are”, with some mythical end point. By introducing a Wardley Maps in the context of business agility, you will be able to map out the path of your transformation, fill in any gaps that you may have, and begin to understand what direction your transformation may take you in the future. Business...


Aligning your DevOps Strategy to your Agile Transformation

Thursday, June 10, 2021 - 1:15pm to 2:15pm

If you have a small team on a greenfield project DevOps is easy to get started; your code is not that complex and you environment need tend to be limited. To do it appropriately for a 1,000 or 10,000 person shop with legacy code is orders of magnitude more complex. You have to do it with slices of the organization. You need to move through various stages of DevOps maturity. In this session we will walk you the practices to implement and the appropriate order to implement them to ensure you get valuable outcomes along the way. We will start with how to approach teams that are just...

Ariel Partners

Bringing DevOps to an Entrenched Legacy Environment with the Kanban Method

Thursday, June 10, 2021 - 3:15pm to 4:15pm

Innovative Silicon Valley companies like Etsy leverage DevOps and Continuous Delivery practices to achieve new levels of automation and agility, shrinking development lead times and deploying to production many times each day. However, many companies struggle to implement these practices for the legacy systems that run their core business. To make matters worse, the agile community offers relatively little practical guidance for implementing DevOps practices in legacy environments. Fortunately, the Kanban Method provides a practical way to gradually evolve these core systems towards...


Agile Metrics transformation to fix disconnect between Business and Delivery

Thursday, June 10, 2021 - 4:30pm to 5:30pm

There is a widespread disconnect between Business and Delivery. These days many delivery teams follow agile principles. Their focus is on improving agile metrics such as sprint velocity,tracking product burnup/burndown etc. However, these metrics/measures do not say anything about the value a user or customer is getting. Business wants to gauge customer satisfaction,employee satisfaction, time to market, innovation, cost, revenue etc. There is a disconnect. Some of the common pitfalls – last-minute surprises, dissatisfied teams, and significant cost impact. Agile metrics...