Agile + DevOps West 2021 Concurrent Session : Lost in the forest: Tying transformation metrics to business outcomes

Conference archive


Thursday, June 10, 2021 - 1:15pm to 2:15pm

Lost in the forest: Tying transformation metrics to business outcomes

Have you ever looked at a dashboard and felt lost? Have you been asked the question “why are we doing this?” and your answer has been “everyone is doing it.” Have you struggled to explain how your actions are going to benefit your business partners? Let’s explore ways to tie our metrics, progress, and transformation activities to business outcomes that matter to our organizations. We’ll start the session discussing why it’s important to map our transformation activities and metrics to organizational goals. We’ll also review real life examples of completed visual maps. You might be saying “I see the benefits, those examples are great, but how can I do this?” I’m glad you asked! We’ll spend the remainder of the session demonstrating a workshop method on how to build that map from top to bottom. There’s even a handy acronym to remember the steps. You’ll have your business partners excited and on board in no time! Let’s get back to seeing the forest.


Brian Holt started his career as a software developer. Just before becoming a manager, he volunteered his team to be a pilot for scrum. When he moved into management, Agile and DevOps were the key to his success, which ultimately led Brian into coaching. He relates with technical teams and leadership as he'd made the same journey many of them are making. Presentation experience: Dozens of internal monthly webinars with average attendance of 500 (high 1100) Main speaker at United Health Group’s internal Agile conference Created an Agile leadership course and delivered it globally Created and Facilitated presentation for an internal developer conference that went to locations globally Created and facilitated scores of trainings and workshops on various Agile topics