Agile + DevOps West 2021 Concurrent Session : To confront or not to confront

Conference archive


Thursday, June 10, 2021 - 3:15pm to 4:15pm

To confront or not to confront

Growing up, my mother said to me that I am a person who does not like confrontation, that I cannot take critisism. Now, 32 years of age, I got to know myself as someone who does avoid confrontation. I rather say straight what the situation is like for me, than keep people guessing, because that is what I hate the most when the tables are turned. This is also in the Dutch culture to be very straight and make no bones about it. In this talk i would like to explore confrontation, in the workspace, but also in our personal lives. Most people have the tendency to avoid confrontation, but I think ik is a great power which can solve conflicts and create transparency within teams.

kimberly snoyl

Kimberly Snoyl is a senior software tester with 7 years of experience in Testing, and recently added the role UX Designer to her skillset. With a Masters in Human Media Interaction, she focuses on UX Testing, and gives a Usability Testing course to her colleagues. She is leader of the Usability Testing Guild which aims to spread awareness amongst testers on the importance of UX (e.g. Usability and Accessibility testing). She also founded a chapter of Ladies that UX in Utrecht which has the goal to bring the UX community in Utrecht together by providing monthly meetups where members can share their experiences.