Agile + DevOps East 2021 - Agile Practices | TechWell

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Agile + DevOps East 2021 - Agile Practices

Wednesday, November 17


Unlock the Full Potential of Your Refinement Sessions

Wednesday, November 17, 2021 - 10:30am to 11:30am

Good refinement makes development more predictable, leads to better solutions, and enables the Product Owner to set the right priorities. Still, many teams fail to unlock the full potential of refinement. Not only is the time spent on refinement often limited, but many of the refinement meetings I join are also inefficient. I meet teams that spent half the meeting watching the Product Owner entering the new backlog items in the workflow system. Although they poker the user stories afterwards, little time is left to discuss the best solution and risks that need to be avoided. I will focus...

Abraham Marin-Perez
Equal Experts

Measuring Long-Term Productivity: The Developer’s Legacy Index

Wednesday, November 17, 2021 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Measuring a programmer’s productivity is a problem as old as the software industry itself. Number of worked hours? More productive people should need fewer hours, not more. Number of completed tasks? Not all tasks are equally hard. Number of introduced bugs? Bugs are not necessarily the programmer’s fault, and besides, what constitutes a bug anyway? The closest we’ve ever got to measure a developer’s productivity is lines of code, and this has proven to be a poor metric because not all lines of code are equally valuable. However, if we could measure not just how much a developer writes but...

Thursday, November 18


Agile Transformation : Managing the Devout and the Doubters

Thursday, November 18, 2021 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

You are leading an Agile transformation. There will be some people who resist, who doubt, and you’ll need to care for them. There will also be some people who are very supportive—perhaps too supportive. They will need some attention too, or they can actually damage efforts to mature your organization’s transformation. As part of the leadership team in an organizational transformation effort, you are a pragmatic prophet. There are truths and principles to get across to your people, but also, there is reality and pragmatic considerations to manage. While the principles should hold fast, the...