Agile + DevOps East 2020 Concurrent Session : Maximise the benefits of remote working with better Pull Requests

Conference archive


Wednesday, November 11, 2020 - 1:15pm to 2:15pm

Maximise the benefits of remote working with better Pull Requests

The demands of the modern workplace are changing. Trends like flexible hours, remote working, or “bleisure” travel are being introduced to give employees more work-life balance. Moreover, organisations that are capable of working remotely in an effective manner are more resilient to external shocks, like the recent Coronavirus outbreak showed us. In order to remain effective when workers aren’t in the same place at the same time, teams need to leverage coordination tools. For the case of developers, one of the most important of these tools is the Pull Request. Join Abraham to discover the difference between a good and a bad Pull Request, and to understand the work that needs to happen before and after to make sure it is successful: deciding which changes need to be included and which ones need to be deferred, providing effective feedback, avoiding noisy change lists, etc. With these tips, you will notice that your Pull Requests become a rich communication channel, and you will be able to use distance to your advantage.

Cosota Team LTD

Abraham Marín-Pérez is a Java programmer, consultant, author, and public speaker with more than ten years of experience in industries ranging from finance to publishing to the public sector. After graduating in Computer Science by the University of Valencia, Spain, Abraham relocated to London, UK, where he built his career working with entities like JP Morgan, Springer Nature, or the United Kingdom’s Home Office, among others. Thinking his experiences could be useful to others, Abraham became a Java news editor at InfoQ, authored “Real-World Maintainable Software”, and co-authored “Continuous Delivery in Java”. Always the learner, Abraham is currently studying a degree in Physics. He also helps run the London Java Community, and provides career advice at the Meet a Mentor group.