Implementing a Test Automation Framework Course | Agile + DevOps East

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Implementing a Test Automation Framework

Learn to Select and Implement the Right Test Automation Framework for Your Needs

Get the facts on what automation can—and can't—do for you in this one-day course. Learn how to avoid the traps and pitfalls that doom projects, understand when automation is appropriate and when it isn’t, and how to maximize the right automation opportunities.

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  • The benefits of automation and how to get management commitment
  • What the risks are and common mistakes to avoid
  • What it costs to implement and maintain automation
  • How to cut costs using frameworks
  • Five framework architectures in detail

Whether you are only considering automation or have years of experience, this course can help you improve your chances for success. Take advantage of Linda Hayes’ twenty years of automation experience to learn how to use frameworks to accelerate your test automation effort, dramatically shorten the learning curve, allow non-technical analysts to develop and execute automated tests, and simplify test library management and maintenance.

Get the facts on what automation can—and can't—do for you, and find out how to secure management commitment. Learn how to avoid the traps and pitfalls that doom projects, including unrealistic expectations. Understand when automation is appropriate and when it isn’t, and how to maximize the right opportunities. Linda provides detailed, step-by-step instructions for selecting and implementing a framework and takes you on a guided tour of five different approaches—from beginner to advanced—with analyses of the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Learn how to use these practical and proven approaches with any commercial or internally developed testing tool for Web, client/server, mainframe, and character-based applications. Linda provides real world examples, new knowledge, and skills you can use as the framework for a new automation project or to make an existing project more successful.

Who Should Attend
Anyone considering automation or seeking to improve the usability and maintaining of current automation efforts.

Questions? 929.777.8102 [email protected]
Course Outline

Benefits of Automation
Save time
Leverage resources
Increase coverage
Reduce costs

You don’t have time
You don’t have resources
You can’t measure coverage
You must incur costs
Unrealistic expectations

Common Mistakes
Undefined test process
Unpredictable results
Dynamic code
Custom or closed objects
Short useful life
Insufficient time, resources
Writing programs to test programs
Volatile data
Graphical output

Cost Components
Educate development, management

Why Implement a Framework?
Provide overall structure for test library
Ensure consistency
Reduce amount of code to develop, maintain
Maximize reusability
Shield non-technical testers from code
Enable automation using data

Elements of a Framework
Shared common components
- Setup
- Drivers
- Context management
- Error handling
- Recovery
- Cleanup
- Reports
Test case design
Code to data trade-offs

Alternate Approaches
Class library

Application Mapping
Application component
Methods and properties
Test Suites
Build verification
Standards verification


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