Conference archive


Thursday, June 9, 2016 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Testing in a Super-Agile Software Development Environment

Channel 4 broadcasting company in Finland provides live streams of sporting events on the Internet ( The software development is done by agile principles but even more straightforward and quicker than normal agile projects. Tomi Kaleva says they have changed the entire production environment and renewed all the mobile apps in the past year. As a result, the normal agile development speed wasn’t enough. The fast software development cycle makes software testing challenging as there isn’t sufficient time for test planning and testing execution. The solution was to precisely prioritize the testing, mostly ad hoc without test planning in advance. It was critical that the whole development team participate in the testing and that the software developers be ready to fix bugs. Since some tests were done by customers after the software was released to production, it was crucial to listen to customers’ feedback and to react quickly to repair problems. Super-agile is an effective process to quickly release software to market but the high risk of poor quality must be addressed.

Tomi Kaleva
Nelonen Media

With more than twenty years of software testing experience, Tomi Kaleva is an expert in agile development and testing processes. He is working in Television Company Channel 4 as a production manager, responsible for the quality assurance process of live streaming services. With knowledge in manufacturing, media, and public administration industries, Tomi has been a software tester, test manager, test consultant, and quality department manager. He has worked with dozens of organizations to assess the quality of their software. Tomi has participated as speaker and chairman at several software conferences. Learn more about Tomi at LinkedIn.