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Philip Lew


After working in various management and technical positions in software development and product management, Philip Lew leads XBOSoft’s ( direction and strategy as CEO. His Ph.D. research in software quality and usability resulted in several IEEE and ACM journal publications and in various trade journals as well. A speaker at numerous trade and academic conferences, he has worked with hundreds of organizations to assess the quality of their software, examine software quality processes, and set forth measurement plans to improve software quality using systematic methods. Find out more about Philip at

Speaker Presentations
Wednesday, June 4, 2014 - 3:45pm
Agile Techniques
The Software Quality Metrics Conundrum

When measuring software quality, we first need to understand its meaning, then its definition. Then we can begin to measure whether or not we’ve attained it. And this is where metrics come in. Unfortunately, many organizations collect and publish all sorts of metrics without considering if measuring and obtaining the data will actually lead to better software quality. The result is that many of those painstakingly collected and calculated measurements ultimately measure the wrong thing, end up on spreadsheets in someone’s unread email, and most importantly, lead to no useful action or results. Philip Lew describes how to develop a software quality metrics framework that connects software quality metrics with actionable objectives related to different phases of your product’s development. With a metrics framework in place, you can develop metrics that can evaluate each part of the product’s development with clear objectives—and thus improve the product from start to finish.