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Thursday, June 5, 2014 - 12:45pm - 2:00pm
Agile Techniques

Estimating Business Value

One of the most exciting aspects of agile development is the emphasis on creating and delivering business value. But someone has to figure out what that value is—and that someone might be you. What is business value? It turns out that it is a complex concept that includes not only revenue but also risk mitigation, knowledge acquisition, alignment with long-term strategy, and more. It’s multidimensional! Chris Sims provides a hands-on experience using surprisingly simple techniques to create meaningful business value estimates. With these techniques, you’ll create a single numeric estimate of each story’s value. But you won’t create these numbers alone; you’ll do it in collaboration with your stakeholders using The Business Value Game to help facilitate the conversation. The result is a value estimate—and a much more engaged stakeholder community. This is an interactive workshop without a slide deck. Show up, dive in, and learn by doing.