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Wednesday, June 5, 2013 - 3:45pm - 5:00pm
Projects & Teams

Designing Your Team and Organization for Innovation

If innovation is not part of your team or organizational DNA, your company risks falling behind its competitors, losing market share, and demoralizing your best talent. And yet, you cannot create an innovative organization by simply saying “Be innovative” or adding it to the company values statement. Innovation requires a solid understanding of what motivates people and a deep examination of organizational structure, culture, and leadership styles—such as top-down project control or directive leadership—that may be barriers to innovation. Jim Elvidge explores a path to changing such an environment by improving team empowerment and creating an environment where it is safe to fail. Leaders championing this approach of “environment design” present people with a wider range of learning experiences, resulting in increased responsiveness to change, unleashed creativity, and greater job satisfaction. Learn how to use thinking and analysis tools—including double-loop learning and current reality trees—to find and remove your impediments to innovation.

Jim Elvidge, BigVisible Solutions

Jim Elvidge has had more than thirty years of fun in the web, new media, eCommerce, financial, communications, and entertainment industries. He began his career as a digital signal processing specialist and holds four patents in that area. Jim co-founded RadioAMP in 1999, the first private-label web radio company. As VP of technical operations at Vicorp Interactive Systems and VP of customer engineering at Watercove Networks, he led large software development and professional services teams in delivering complex communications systems to customers worldwide.

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